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NTC 100K B3950 Thermistor

The temperature measurement of the upgraded HT-NTC 100K Thermistor can be up to 320 degrees because It effectively replace the K-type thermocouple for 3D printer extruder

NTC100k sensor 0 in stock


- About

Upgrading from the ordinary temperature probe directly expose temperature measurement to resistance package temperature measurement. Temperature measurement head cylinder diameter 3mm, length 15mm, can be used with the heating block that support the thermocouple. The temperature measurement range is increased from -50 ℃~ +250℃ to -50 ℃ ~ +320 ℃. NTC 100K Thermistor results in printing high-temperature filament so it can replace the original K-type thermocouple temperature.For high-temperature filament print, the HT-NTC 100K Thermistor are highly recommended.

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